
Friday, 20 February 2015

WALT: I am learning to write a recount

Water fun day

On Monday, the 9th of February,2015, Glenbrae School students had a special event. It was called the water fun day. At the water fun day we did lots of fun activities. Some of the activities were called Walk the plank,The slide,The three legged race and Under and Over races.The Teachers that were helping to set the activities up were Mr Nath, Mrs Parker, Mrs Tofa, Miss Maruariki, Mrs D, Mrs Ripata, Mrs Kumar, Mrs. Raj and Ms. Elia.

First we went to class and got changed into our swimming clothes. Then we had to line up outside and walk to the courts. After that we sat down in our House lines. 

When everyone was ready, Mrs. Tofa talked to us about races. Our class started with the three legged race. We had two cups and we worked in pairs to cary water to fill up our house bins.

When we finished we went back to the courts and sat down. Then Mrs. Tofa thanked everyone and asked us if we had fun. Lots of us said yes and then she told us which house had won the Water Fun Day races. There was a tie between Rata and Kauri.

After that we all went back to our classes and got changed into our dry clothes. Then we had morning tea.

I really enjoyed the water fun day with my friends from my class. It was so much fun competing against each other.

By Alfred.

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